An essential celibacy reading list

Celibacy. It's an important topic on your discernment journey. Yet, for as important as it is to your discernment, often it's something that is not talked about too much. It's something that is mysterious, countercultural, and hard to explain.

Yet, for us, the Paulist Fathers, it's not a topic that we shy away from. When you talk to a Paulist about celibacy, he will share his honest experiences of it: both the joys and the challenges, the spiritual and the practical.

While there are many wonderful books and resources on the theology of celibacy we recommend, there are also some good articles written about the topic online. We invite you to - prayerfully - read through them and apply them to your vocation journey.

"Is Celibacy Cruel?"
Sam Allberry | The Gospel Coalition

In this article for The Gospel Coalition, Sam Allberry writes that often the message we get from the world is that romance is the ultimate fulfillment of life. While romance is important, there are other forms of intimacy that gives us meaning. While not addressing the priesthood and a Catholic understanding of celibacy, the article is an important contribution to this discussion.

"What is Valentine’s Day like when you’re celibate?"
James Martin, S.J. | America Magazine

This article by Fr. James Martin, a Jesuit, reminds us that, yes, even celibate priests enjoy and appreciate Valentine's Day, a day about love. He invites us to consider what exactly love is, and the different ways we experience love in our lives.

"For celibacy to be a gift, it must be grounded in reality"
Matt Kappadakunnel | U.S. Catholic Magazine

Matt Kappadakunnel, a former seminarian now married with children, writes that the conversation about celibacy must begin by remembering that it is a gift from God, a gift that "can only be lived faithfully by God’s grace". Yet, we are also told that there are ways the celibate live can be lived in a healthy way, namely through healthy relationships.

"From the heart of a woman, a letter to priests"
Claire Collins | Radiant Magazine

In this lovely reflection about the ministry of priests, Claire Collins says "thank you" on behalf of the flock. It's a wonderful reminder about the work that priests do in often challenging circumstances.

 While celibacy is not for everyone, it is something that all people can learn from. If you are discerning a call to the priesthood, we invite you to talk to a priest you know about what celibacy means in his life. If you would like to talk to a Paulist about celibacy, connect with us here. We also invite you to download a short eBook about discernment at our main vocation site,


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