Am I being called to the priesthood?

Wouldn’t it be great if the answer to that question was clear?

A bolt of lightning out of the bright blue sky. A clear, unambiguous sign. The unmistakable voice of God telling you in no uncertain terms that this is your path.

For some people, their calling is as clear - well, almost as clear - as that. Those people are very few, and very far between.

For most people, the call is much quieter; it’s more subtle. And it’s often far from being unequivocal. It can prompt questions, and feelings of fear and doubt … even at the same time as it feels like renewed purpose, excitement, joy and peace.

If you think you might be feeling the call, but doubt and questions are holding you back, take heart. It’s natural and normal to have questions and doubts. In fact, it would be unusual if you didn’t.

How are you supposed to know, then? The answer is: you don’t have to.

God may indeed be calling you. Answering the call is a journey.

Like any other journey, it starts with a single step. To take that first step, you don’t have to know where your journey will end.

You might be feeling an intense - and growing - sense of being loved by God.

Maybe you’re feeling a more strident desire to help guide people to God in the Catholic Church.

Your desire and hope to make the world a better place through service might be growing stronger.

You may be experiencing a strong desire to join a religious community, one where you are welcomed as you are.

You may even be feeling that things have begun to make more sense, giving you a greater sense of peace.

Any of these could be indications that you are being called by God to the priesthood.

And if so, then what?

If God is calling me to be a priest, what happens next?

It sounds like a big decision, and it is. There are lots of things to consider. What people will think. What you’d need to do to prepare for the journey. Ways that your life will be changed.

Once again, the truth is simpler than it may seem. You don’t need to answer any of those questions right now.

If you are indeed being called, the answers will become clear at the right time.

The next step is just conversation.

Conversation with God, partly. Ultimately, the decision to pursue the priesthood is a personal one that should be guided by your relationship with God and your own sense of purpose and vocation. Take some time to pray, and to reflect on your relationship with God. To reflect on your hopes and desires for your future.

And then, perhaps, with us. With no expectations or obligations, we’d be happy to sit down with you and talk about what you’re feeling and thinking. To answer any questions you’ve got on your mind.

It’s just one small and simple step. Ready to talk? Get in touch.

Discerning God’s call in life is a significant task, and you’re not alone. The Paulist Fathers vocation team is here to support you, journey with you, and answer your questions.

We often tell people that you should connect with us not because you know where God is calling you in life, but because you don’t know.

Fill out your contact information below to begin the conversation.

You can also contact our Vocations Director Fr. Ed Nowak, C.S.P., at (917) 763-7899 or

Life at Hecker House, the Paulist Seminary

Life at the Hecker House - the Paulist House of Mission and Studies - offers a mix of serious study, lively discussion, social gatherings, deep reflection, and prayer. Our formation program has been in Washington, D.C. since 1889. Our novices and seminarians study nearby at The Catholic University of America.

Within this environment, our seminarians and novices not only discern a call to priesthood but uncover the unique dynamics of community life and their own talents.

Lake George, New York, where Paulist seminarians visit every summer.